Rebecca Darlington

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Do Epic Shit

"I'm ready for the time of my life," Shania Twain on 'The Voice' this week. Ditto. Me too. I'm ready for the tides to turn. Not that they have been negative or anything like that but I do enjoy a great adventure especially one that involves art. 

Traveling is in my bones.

My Dad was a jet fighter pilot in the Air Force. Career. As in 30 years. As a consequence my family and I moved on average every 2 years. It was a blessing and a curse. Always the new student. Always a new country to get use to once again. It shaped us all. It made us very gracious humans allowing others to live their lives as their customs dictated. It was a gift to see the world as a young child. I remember so many poignant scenes. Like the trip up Mount Fugi in my father's '55 Mercedes. Like the steamed yams we purchased roadside on the way back to the base in Tokyo. I could go on but that is for another day. 

Embarking on an artist residency

In 2008 I was a lucky artist. I attended an artist residency in France. 2 months of bliss. The only concern to my day was making more art. On average there was a constant stream of 10 artists from all over the world seated at our communal dinner table. As you can imagine the ideas were flying. Writers, jewelers, sculptors, poets, painters,  photographers, dancers, musicians, cinimatographers and me. In short the experience turned me upside down.  For a long time. As in I was never the same again. The glue that sent me there never stuck again. 

 Guess what? I'm returning to this magical place 9 years later. Join me on my blog. I'll keep you posted on the ride. There's a sign up so you can receive the posts in your inbox.  

Oh the magic of new adventures. Call me just a bit excited.  Want to join me? You can vicariously through my blog. Sign up below. 



See this gallery in the original post